Mysql: using-mysql: false host: port: 3306 database: pinauth username: root password: password table: playerdata Settings: plugin-enabled: true i-really-want-the-plugin-to-be-disabled: false give-blindness: true max-allowed-attempts: 3 sounds-enabled: true allow-movement-before-login: false timeout-in-seconds: 10 notify-ops-on-player-registers: true forgot-pin-item: true teleport-only-on-register: true bungee-mode: false bungee-after-log-in-server: hub gamemode-security: true need-login-permission: false texture-pack-mode: false session: false spectatormode: false sessionlength: 1800000 Messages: no-permissions: '&c&lYou do not have permission for this!' wrong-pin: '&c&lThat pin is incorrect!' kick-msg: '&c&lWrong pin!' must-login-to-chat: '&cYou must login to be able to chat!' kick-msg-pin-reset: '&6Your pin has been reset!' error-msg-you-must-login: '&c&lYou must log in!' please-enter-code: §6Please type your two step verification code in chat! 2fa-code-incorrect: '&c&lYour two factor authentication code is incorrect!' illegal-username: '&c&lIllegal Username!' pin-reset: |- &6&lYour pin has been reset using your two factor authentication code Logged-In-Title: title: '&6&lLogged In' subtitle: '&7You can now play on the server' Logging-In-MenuTitle: step1: '&f&lLogging in, step 1/4' step2: '&f&lLogging in, step 2/4' step3: '&f&lLogging in, step 3/4' step4: '&f&lLogging in, step 4/4' Registered-Title: title: '&6&lRegistration Complete' subtitle: '&7You can now login with the pin: &f%pin%' Registering-MenuTitle: step1: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 1/4' step2: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 2/4' step3: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 3/4' step4: '&f&lRegistering Pin, step 4/4' Player-Kick: message: incorrect: '&c&lIncorrect pin!' timeout: '&cYou must login!' Authenticator: message: '&cDo not publicly share your two factor authentication code!' message2: &7%twofaccode% is your two factor authentication code. Use this code to login if you have forgotten your pin. &7Do not share this code with anyone. Write it down so you remember it. " Forgotpin: message1: '&f§&Forgot Pin' message2: part1: §7This will require your two part2: §7factor authentication code Cleardigits: message1: '&f&lClear Digits' message2: part1: §7This will clear what digits part2: §7you have entered so far UISettings: glassenabled: true glasscolor: 1 enabled-commands-before-login: - help - rl - forums spawn: enabled: false world: world x: -193.0 y: 65.0 z: 230.0 config: version: '6.26' twofacupdate: true